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money market

To enable the monetary authority to apply appropriate regulatory measures in individual brokers and monitor their compliance with the approval criteria and other regulatory standards , the ordinance empowers the monetary authority to attach conditions to the certificate of approval of money brokers , to vary , add , or delete such conditions , to conduct examinations on approved brokers and to obtain information from them 為使金融管理專員能對個別經紀采取適當的監管措施,并監察他們在遵守核準準則與其他規管標準的情況,銀行業條例授權金融管理專員對貨幣經紀的核準證明書附加條件或修改與增刪該等條件,并對核準經紀進行審查,以及向他們索取資料。

However , the legislation is not intended to cover persons such as investment advisers , securities dealers , solicitors and professional accountants who may technically act as money brokers e . g . in arranging to place deposits on behalf of their clients , but in a way which is wholly ancillary or incidental to their main business 但該法例的原意并不包括投資顧問證券交易商律師及專業會計師等人士,這類人士在技術上可能會以貨幣經紀身分行事如代表客戶安排存款,但完全以附屬或附帶于其主要業務的形式進行。

Concurrent with the commencement of the new legislation , the hkma published two detailed guidelines to explain how the monetary authority would exercise his functions and powers in relation to the authorization of the issue of multi - purpose stored value cards and approval of money brokers 在新法例生效的同時,金融管理局也發出了兩份詳盡指引,闡釋金融管理專員如何就發行多用途儲值卡的認可資格和向貨幣經紀發牌履行其職能和行使其權力。

Hong kong , march 21 , 2001 - financial services group hantec holdings limited today announces the commencement of full operation of cosmos international money brokers ltd , the group s new money broking arm that serves to complement its existing financial product offering 金融服務集團亨達集團有限公司今天宣布,旗下從事貨幣經紀業務的元太(國際)貨幣經紀有限公司全面營業,其業務將為集團現有的金融服務產品增添新品種。

As the number of money brokers operating in hong kong is small and they do not pose significant systemic risk to the interbank foreign exchange and deposit markets , the regulatory regime introduced is relatively simple compared with that for authorized institutions 由于在香港經營的貨幣經紀數目不多,而它們對銀行同業外匯和存款市場并不構成重大的系統性風險,因此,與認可機構監管制度比較,貨幣經紀發牌制度相當簡單。

Hong kong , march 21 , 2001 - financial services group hantec holdings limited today announces the commencement of full operation of cosmos international money brokers ltd , the group s new money broking arm that serves to complement its existing financial product offering 金融服務集團亨達集團有限公司今天宣布,旗下從事貨幣經紀業務的元太國際貨幣經紀有限公司全面營業,其業務將為集團現有的金融服務產品增添新品種。

We will also leverage on the favourable macro factors , and draw on the support of the brokers industry and the hantec group to extend our reach in hong kong and eventually to other overseas markets , “ noted mr ps choy , chief executive officer , cosmos international money brokers 憑藉經紀業界及亨達集團對公司的支持,加上一系列有利因素,元太將積極尋求在本港以至其他海外市場進一步拓展業務。

We will also leverage on the favourable macro factors , and draw on the support of the brokers industry and the hantec group to extend our reach in hong kong and eventually to other overseas markets , “ noted mr ps choy , chief executive officer , cosmos international money brokers 憑藉經紀業界及亨達集團對公司的支持,加上一系列有利因素,元太將積極尋求在本港以至其他海外市場進一步拓展業務。

“ money broker “ is defined to mean a person who , for reward , carries on the business in or from hong kong , or provides to persons in hong kong the service , of negotiating , arranging or facilitating , whether by electronic means or otherwise , agreements between other persons - 貨幣經紀是指為取得報酬而在香港或從香港經營洽談安排或促進不論是以電子或其他方式他人達成協議的人士,而:

The new legal framework introduces an authorization regime for money brokers , which basically provides that only persons who satisfy the fit and proper criteria set out in a new schedule to the banking ordinance will be approved as money brokers 新法律架構引進了一套貨幣經紀發牌制度。基本上,該制度規定只有符合銀行業條例附表中所列的適當條件準則,才會獲核準為貨幣經紀。

The main objective of the amendments is to introduce a legal framework for the regulation of the issue of multi - purpose stored value cards and the approval of money brokers who provide broking services in the interbank deposit and foreign exchange markets 該條例的主要目的是引進一套法律制度,以規管多用途儲值卡的發行,和發牌予在銀行同業和外匯市場提供經紀服務的貨幣經紀。

After commencement of the new legislation , the existing money brokers have all submitted their applications to the monetary authority within the required deadline and these will be processed in 1998 在新法例生效后,所有現有貨幣經紀均已在指定限期前向金融管理專員提交申請,有關申請現正在處理中。

Regulation of money brokers the banking ordinance provides that no person shall act as a money broker unless that person is approved by the monetary authority as a money broker under the ordinance 銀行業條例規定,除獲金融管理專員根據該條例核準的貨幣經紀外,任何人不得以貨幣經紀身分行事。

The requirement to be approved will apply if the money broker is resident abroad but is providing a service to persons in hong kong one of whom is an authorized institution 若貨幣經紀居于海外,但正向在香港的人士其中一方是認可機構提供服務,則有關規定亦適用于該貨幣經紀。

It follows from the above definition that the money broker need not necessarily be resident , or be carrying on a business in hong kong 根據上述定義,貨幣經紀不一定是香港居民或在香港經營。

The approval criteria for money brokers , which are set out in the eleventh schedule to the ordinance , require that 貨幣經紀的核準準則載于該條例附表11 ,內容規定:

Regulation of money brokers 貨幣經紀的監管

List of approved money brokers 核準貨幣經紀一覽表

Inaugurates money broker operation 推出貨幣經紀業務